Community Affordable Acupuncture is the same high level of care at a lower cost. This is a high quality, low-cost acupuncture, an affordable-business model which aims to increase patient access to acupuncture by offering treatments in a comfortable group setting. Our affordable community acupuncture system allows patients to receive treatment as many as needed to reach to an optimum result. We understand that medical treatment can be expensive and therefore difficult to afford . So, we came up with a solution to make it affordable for you.
Why Community Acupuncture?
Community acupuncture treats almost everything that a standard acupuncture does but at lower cost.
It works great for treatment of stress, anxiety, or depression.
The group environment is a great place for mental & emotional support.
The sense of being in a same-minded group feels good and bring calmness.
If you have pain in your joints, you can keep your clothes on and just grab a chair!
If you have chronic health issues, you have an opportunity to pay less and come more often to get good results.
You do not need to lay on your stomach! Just sit back and relax.
Nervous about acupuncture treatment? Come with a friend.
Please keep in mind, tight clothes can limit access to treatment area, so dress comfortably.
The group environment is a great place for mental and emotional support. Human is created to be social and communication with one another is soothing. However, if you feel you need more private treatment, we can book you for private sessions separate from community group treatments.
How “Community Affordable Group Acupuncture” Works:
In summary we need an initial intake followed by a course of group acupuncture treatments
Initial intake; phone / video
We will connect by video or phone before starting a course of treatment in person, so that you can do the visit at the comfort of your home, work or wherever you feel comfortable. Please Call or Send an email to set this up.
Before initial visit
Fill out a health history form. The booking system will prompt you to fill out a form if it is your first time, or if you haven't been to the clinic for 3 months or more. Email us a picture of your tongue. We prefer a set of these pictures before each appointment as it is very helpful in better diagnosis. (Find instruction at the end of this page.)
During initial video / phone visit
We will learn in detail about your symptoms and concerns. We will review the procedure and clinic policies with you and answer your questions. We will set up a treatment plan and book you for subsequent in-clinic acupuncture group treatment. If we do not see you for 3 months or more, we need a new online visit to restart your acupuncture group treatment.
When you arrive
Visit the washroom to wash your hands. In the cozy tea station grab a cup of tea. Once you are settled, we will feel your pulse and proceed with the agreed acupuncture treatment. You can get acupuncture treatment on reclining chairs or on massage table in a safe and comfortable environment
After Your treatment
To keep up with the schedule and limit the number of people circulating in the clinic, after your treatment we will take your needles out and then you can grab your things and leave the clinic. This let us have time to disinfect the chair, door handles, etc. before the next patients arrive and start their treatment.
Sliding Scale fee schedule;
There is a one time $50 TCM consultation fee for new patients. There is also a $25 consultation fee for returning patients who's last visit is more than 3 months. The cost for in-clinic community acupuncture visits is $40 - 60 for group of 6 to 4 people.
How To Take A Picture Of Your Tongue
Simply take a picture of your tongue sticking out of your mouth at the most relaxed situation of the togue.
On extension of you tongue it should be done naturally without excessive force.
Take pictures in natural sunlight like by the window or outdoors. Do it in the shade and not let sunlight directly on tongue while taking a picture.
Take two pictures:
Under the togue: Place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth and open your jaw as much as possible and take the picture to show the vessels and structure under your tongue.
Over the top of your tongue: With your mouth wide open and tongue sticking out that we can see all the way to the back of the tongue take a picture. Don’t keep the tongue out for too long before you take the picture, because it will dry out the coating.
Send t pictures to before our initial visit alongside your intake form.