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Natural Digestion Health, Gut Health

A natural digestion health, Gut Health plays a foundational role in supporting your overall health. Your digestion health, Gut health defines your physical and mental wellbeing, and it is responsible for the way your body functions. Healthy digestion affects your ability to focus and your best performance. It impacts your health and well-being in many levels, plays a role in your physical and mental wellbeing, your ability to learn and think, and your performance in school and at work.

 a colorful picture of different healthy foods.
Person Cooking Healthy Meal
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How Naturopathy Help with Digestion Gut Health?

Why do naturopathic doctors place such a high value on digestion?


Because digestion health, Gut health is essential for a good health!


Digestion health, Gut health by definition means optimum function of your gut which is the foundation to live a healthy life. Healthy digestion has a central role in the function of all other organs which altogether make an impact on all aspects of your overall health. For instance, your gastrointestinal (GI) tract has a highly specialized nervous system network, known as the enteric nervous system (ENS). ENS is a complex network of different types of neurons and nerve endings which functions as controlling and regulating digestive functions. This function in turn is being managed by a bidirectional inter-relation between central nervous system and gut environment, which explains the importance of microbiota-gut-brain axis. To make it a little more complex, there is a close interconnection between enteric nervous system and Vagus nerve. This is the crossroad between stress, Vagus nerve and your gut microbiota. It explains how stress and overthinking through your own nervous system, depress the function of your own Vagus nerve, your calmness network and affect your gut microbiota. No wonder why the impact of your mind in addition to your choice of food on your brain is that much remarkable.


And the food!


To take care of your digestive health you need to pay a good attention to what you eat, your food. Why?! Because food is source of your vitality. It provides energy to your body to function and carry out your daily activities. Food contains certain nutrients that your body needs to function properly, such as protein, carbohydrates, fat, minerals, and vitamins. Depends on net content and ratio of each of these nutrients, some foods are good to take overall, and some are ideal for your special condition. This approach to application of nutrition is called functional nutrition, a holistic approach to your special need. It is an individualized strategy to maintain your health by focusing on your nutritional and dietary needs while taking care of your digestion health. That’s the reason why the functional nutrition is an efficient and effective form of treatment which in addition to paying close attention to your current digestion health, it can improve your overall quality of life.


What about Microbiome?

Another interesting thing about digestive system is its dynamic microbiome, a collection of micro-organisms co-existing in whole digestive system and is critically important in optimal gut function, therefore, helping to provide overall health. The presence of healthy microbiome has a key role in relation with several health conditions such as allergy and asthma, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, autoimmune diseases and low immunity, metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes type two.

Moreover, the gut interface is assumed as external environment for body and the presence of an active immune system and potent defensive function is imperative to keep you immune from pathogenic factors that you receive though eating or are produced by your gut as the remnant of digested food and dead microbiota.


What is a naturopath's take on gut health?


Practicing naturopathy is based on the principle of determining the root cause of events and conditions. For this reason, naturopathic doctors spend a significant amount on your first visit taking a comprehensive medical history from you. Then to rule in or out underlying aetiologies, functional tests are usually quite useful. For instance, there are comprehensive lab tests for food sensitivities and allergies, SIBO, microbial overgrowth, IBS, functional imbalance in the intestine, or hormonal issues affecting your gut health, among other things, are very helpful in determining e the root causes of your current concerns.


How Naturopathy can help with Digestion Health?


Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) AND Naturopathic Approach for Lasting Relief


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic condition of digestive system, characterized by the regurgitation of stomach acid into the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a prevalent gastrointestinal disorder that can cause discomfort and affect daily life by causing symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, and acid indigestion. While medical interventions are often recommended, a naturopathic approach can complement traditional treatments, offering holistic relief and reducing reliance on medication. Understanding the root causes of GERD is crucial for effective management. Factors like diet, lifestyle, and gut health imbalances can contribute to its development. Adopting a naturopathic approach that emphasizes dietary modifications, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments can provide significant relief and promote long-term digestive wellness.


Naturopathic strategies focus on identifying and addressing the root causes of GERD. One of those causes are trigger foods that exacerbate GERD symptoms. By avoiding those foods such as foods high in fat, caffeine, citrus, and spicy ingredients, you can reduce the likelihood of acid reflux episodes. Dietary adjustments play a pivotal role, such as in some cases consumption of alkaline-forming foods, helps neutralize stomach acid. Incorporating a plant-based, whole foods diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins supports optimal digestion and minimizes acid reflux. Herbal remedies such as slippery elm, aloe vera, and chamomile have shown potential in soothing inflamed esophageal tissues and reducing acid reflux symptoms. Probiotics play a crucial role in maintaining gut health, potentially alleviating GERD symptoms by restoring the balance of beneficial bacteria. Probiotics, found in fermented foods or supplements, aid in maintaining a balanced gut microbiome, which may contribute to improved digestive health and reduced GERD symptoms.


In addition to dietary changes, lifestyle modifications are integral to the naturopathic approach for managing GERD. Maintaining a healthy weight, practicing stress-reduction techniques and stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help reduce stress-induced acid reflux. Another simple but important measure to reduce the acid reflux is avoiding tight clothing that can compress the stomach and push your stomach acid up into your esophagus. Causing heat burn.  Regular physical activity supports healthy digestion by promoting proper movement of food through the digestive tract. Collaborating with a qualified naturopathic doctor ensures personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. By embracing a naturopathic approach to managing GERD, you can gain control over your symptoms and work towards restoring your overall digestive wellness.


Several studies support the effectiveness of naturopathic interventions for managing GERD. A study published in the "Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology" found that dietary modifications and herbal remedies significantly improved GERD symptoms in participants. Another research article in the "World Journal of Gastroenterology" highlighted the potential of probiotics in reducing acid reflux and promoting gut health. By integrating these naturopathic approaches alongside medical guidance, you can take a comprehensive approach to managing GERD naturally, experiencing relief from symptoms and improving your overall quality of life.


Natural Relief from Intestinal Gas and Bloating: A Naturopathic Approach


Intestinal gas and bloating are common digestive discomforts that can interfere with daily life. These issues are often caused by factors such as dietary choices, eating habits, and gut health imbalances. Understanding the underlying causes is crucial for effective management.


Where are all these gas coming from?


Gas in your intestine comes from two sources which is a cumulation of gas that you ingest while eating and the gas that is produced by intestinal microbiota which are normally living in your gut. Bloating happens when you feel tension in your tommy and fullness due to the retention of extra gas in your abdomen, either from your ingested air during eating fast under stress, or from the gas produced in your intestine. Of course, producing extra gas can be physiologic due to eating certain food like beans or carbohydrate. However, there are situations like carbohydrate intolerance, SIBI and bacterial overgrowth, malabsorption syndromes and IBS that the production of gas is pathologic and become bothersome.


Introducing a naturopathic approach can offer holistic relief from intestinal gas and bloating. By focusing on the root causes and making natural adjustments, you can experience long-lasting relief and improved digestive wellness.

Naturopathic strategies emphasize the significance of a balanced diet and lifestyle to alleviate intestinal gas and bloating. Incorporating gut-friendly foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, supports healthy digestion and regular bowel movements.


Additionally, herbal remedies like peppermint tea or chamomile can help soothe digestive discomfort. Probiotics, found in fermented foods or supplements, aid in restoring gut flora balance, potentially reducing gas production. Addressing stress through techniques like mindfulness, deep breathing, or yoga can also minimize digestive disturbances. A naturopathic approach doesn't just mask symptoms but targets the underlying causes of intestinal gas and bloating for sustainable relief and improved overall well-being.




Constipation is a condition that you have less than three times bowel movement per week. Defecation may be painful and happens with difficulty because the stool is hardened and dry. Straining for defecation is common and elimination may be incomplete.

There are many reasons for constipation from sluggish contraction of colon muscles to fluid deprivation and low fiber intake. Low level of physical activity has a great impact on regular contraction of colon muscles. Other reasons of constipation include stress, depression, holding the feces, medication like iron, infestation, hypothyroidism and many other reasons.


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)


Understanding the Impact of IBS on Digestive Health


Digestive health plays a pivotal role in your overall well-being, influencing how your bodies absorb nutrients and maintain optimal functioning. However, for those who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), this heavenly balance can be disrupted, leading to an array of uncomfortable symptoms. IBS is a common gastrointestinal disorder causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. It's important to recognize that IBS can significantly impact digestion health, affecting the body's ability to process food effectively. People affected by IBS often experience higher level of sensitivity in their gut, which can lead to irregular muscle contractions and abnormal intestinal motility, disrupting the natural flow of food through the digestive system. A naturopathic approach to manage IBS and promote better digestion health, is a holistic approach that includes dietary modifications, stress management, taking care of your activity and potentially herbal, and nutrient supplements interventions.


Maintaining digestion health while managing IBS requires a comprehensive strategy that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of your condition. Looking deeply into your dietary habit and making some dietary changes often form the cornerstone of managing IBS-related digestive issues. High-fiber foods, like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, can help regulate bowel movements and alleviate constipation. On the other hand, reducing the consumption of gas-producing foods and artificial sweeteners may help alleviate bloating and discomfort. Additionally, managing stress is crucial for managing IBS Because stress can trigger or exacerbate your IBS symptoms. Practices such as breathing exercise, yoga, meditation, and regular exercise can aid in reducing stress and promoting a healthier digestive system. Consulting earlier with your naturopathic doctor is essential. They can offer personalized guidance, recommend suitable remedies, or suggest specialized diets, which has shown success in alleviating IBS symptoms. By addressing IBS through a multi-faceted approach, individuals can work towards restoring their digestion health and enhancing their overall quality of life.


My strategy to help with Digestive issues is holistic.


  1. Identifying the root cause/s of your sign and symptom.

  2. Hormonal tests and inflammation assessment to find out where to start.

  3. Functional tests and assessment for deficiency or excess in vitamins, macro /micronutrients, minerals and modulating them accordingly.

  4. Adjusting lifestyle and exercise prescription

  5. Diet and nutrition modulation to improve energy and feeling of wellbeing.


There are many more steps to take and these are only common examples of the tactics that I may consider in my strategy to help you out. Our final strategy for you may come out absolutely different, because the naturopathic approach to digestive health is as diverse as the patients are. My strategy is tailored for you as a unique individual.  


My best recommendation for you is to click the above green button, fill the form and submit it. I’ll review your inquiry and get back to you to let you know if I thought you would benefit from my service. Or you can book a 15-minute discovery consult ($35) to find out if we are a good fit for you.

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