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Dr Manesh ND

Glutathione, A Super Antioxidant

Updated: May 4, 2024

Glutathione is a super antioxidant with beneficial effects on your skin and your overall health!

Your body is the best factory in the world to make what you need. “Glutathione” the “Super antioxidant” is one of the most important materials that your body needs to function properly and the most interesting, your body makes it!

Chemical formula of Glutathione
Glutathione a super antioxidant

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is the most abundant antioxidant in your body which every living thing make it in their own body. This is the reason we call it “The Master Antioxidant”. The name makes you think it is very large molecule. Well, it is not! Glutathione is made of only three amino acids, Glycine, Cysteine and Glutamic acid. It explains why even a simple one cell living organisms can make Glutathione to support their living life. Glutathione is in two forms in your body; reduced and oxidized. The active form is reduced type and in situations of interacting with oxidative stress the reduced type oxidizes and neutralizes the free radicals. The normal ratio of reduced to oxidized in a healthy cell is usually more than 100, which in situation of oxidative stress this ratio falls grossly to sustain the cell functionality.

Glutathione not only has a great role as a potent antioxidant, but also it recycles other antioxidants such as Vitamin E and Vitamin C which means these materials become usable again for the body.

What are the health benefits of Glutathione?

Glutathione has lots of benefits for your health. It is a Potent Antioxidant meaning a super functional molecule.

  • Glutathione helps with liver function by reducing the oxidative load and reducing the singlet oxygen

  • Glutathione helps with the phase 1 of liver detoxification

  • Glutathione helps to recycle (regenerating) other antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E

  • Glutathione reduces the effect of free radicals on skin, preventing from cell and tissue damage, wrinkles, inflammation, hyperpigmentation, and melasma.

  • Glutathione Helps with immune system and reduces inflammation.

  • Glutathione Helps with mitochondrial function, energy production and mitochondrial DNA preservation

  • Glutathione Improves heart health by decreasing the effect of oxidative stress

  • Glutathione Improves brain health by reducing neuroinflammation and decreases speed of neurodegeneration

How Glutathione can Help with Skin Appearance?

Glutathione maintains cellular integrity and is crucial for optimal health of your skin. It reduces the effect of free radicals on skin, preventing from cell and tissue damage and inflammation. Therefore, it can prevent wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and melasma.

Glutathione is an effective anti-aging agent. It reduces inflammation as it prevents damage of free radicals. In addition, research showed that Glutathione can decrease expression of fibroblast collagenase, therefore, it can reduce the breakdown of extracellular matrix. As a result, Glutathione improves skin tone, texture and prevents formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

Glutathione in addition to be antioxidant and detoxifying agent, benefits skin by reducing the pigmentation. Based on research published in 2017, glutathione with surfactant penetration test results showed it can be used efficiently as a topical agent. Therefore, it can address many issues from acne to eczema, dryness, wrinkles and antiaging. It can increase skin elasticity and by reducing the pigments and wrinkles gives the skin a better younger look.

Another article published in 2018 explained the efficacy of Glutathione in reducing pigmentation on skin. It blocks the tyrosinase the important enzyme for producing melanin (skin pigment), making Glutathione an interesting option for darker skin tone who are prone to develop pigmentation and are not good candidate for light-based treatments.

How to improve your Glutathione level?

As always, the best way of optimizing your health is eating whole food. There are some easy examples of foods you that can add to your diet to ensure your glutathione levels are at a healthy level.

Add some organic protein source to your diet!

Cows feeding in nature to used for Grass fed Beef
Grass fed Beef, A Good Source of Glutathione.

Rich food sources of Glycine, Cysteine and Glutamic acid, the precursor amino acids used to produce Glutathione are poultry, Turkey, Chicken, pork, egg, beef, whole grains and seeds.

Add Sulfur containing food to your diet!

a picture with list of food high in sulfur
Foods High In Sulfur

Sulfur is a precursor of Glutathione synthesis too. Adding foods rich in sulfur, optimizes your level of glutathione in your body. Good examples of sulfur-rich foods to include in your daily diet are:

Garlic, Onions, Leeks, Chives, Scallion, Shallots, Radish, Cruciferous Vegetables, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kale, Collard green and Bok Choy.

In addition to what you eat, your lifestyle has a great impact on your overall health. To optimize the level of your Glutathione you need to integrate a healthy eating into your healthy lifestyle habits.

To name few healthy lifestyles:

v. Be physically active and do exercise at least 5 days per week

v .Practice mindful eating habits

v .Drink enough water during the day

v .Avoid sugar and processed food

v .Practice stress reduction techniques to reduce effect of stress on your body and mind

v .Practice sleep hygiene and try to sleep 7-8 hours per night.

v .Do more aerobic exercise to increase oxygenation and reduce the effects of Oxidative stress

A middle aged female running to reduce oxidative stress.
Aerobic exercise increases oxygenation and reduces the effects of Oxidative stress.

To get more information about Glutathione, how to optimize it or have a specialized functional test evaluating your macronutrients, call us to book an appointment.

What will happen when you come for a visit?

The first visit that we call history taking can be in person or virtual (phone or video). During 1 – 1 ½ hours visit, we firstly go over your health concerns one by one and then we take a thorough history from all your organ systems to get a holistic understanding of your condition.

In the second visit which is 30-40 minutes visit we do a complete whole body physical examination. If we feel an additional specialized lab test can help better insight about your condition and mutually agree, in the second visit we will provide a lab requisition to you.

In your third visit which is usually few days after receiving your lab exam we review the result of lab exam and setup a treatment plan for you.

In each of your subsequent visit, we review what food you are taking, how much, and when you eat.

We believe knowledge is the key and during our multiple sessions together, you will learn how the food you eat impacts your health and well-being and how to improve your eating habits to help with your physical and mental health, your night sleep, your ability to think and learn, and your performance in school or at work.

The lab exam and blood draw are done by a lab technician in a life labs center of your choice. However, there is a Litelab's medical laboratory at 2050 Weston Road, conveniently walking distance to my clinic.

To book your initial appointment you can call at 416-249-4567 or send an email to .

* Disclaimer: The information in this article is property of Dr. Masoumeh Shayesteh Manesh, Naturopathic Doctor and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases or promote any products or services mentioned on this website.

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